Usually made of titanium. It is a material chosen solely because it is highly compatible with human tissues and will be grown into the jaw bone. Other useful properties of titanium are that it is extremely strong, does not rust, and is resistant to salt, acid, and oxygen. This construction is a thin rail that follows the line of the jaw and is attached to the two posterior corners of the mouth, close to the mental teeth or to the patient's chin. This strong support helps the dentures function more efficiently and gives extra strength to the jaw bone itself. If your dentist decides that this type of treatment is necessary and appropriate, the first stage will be just three small incisions in the gums - one in the corner of the back jaw and another in the front. This kind of bar will be attached and the dentist will place temporary dentures on it. Over the next three months, the structure will grow beautifully into the jawbone and become fully attached. This method of attaching the bar provides extremely strong and natural biting and chewing.
Solid metal construction made of biocompatible chromocobalt or titanium alloys. We use the most advanced milling machines to maintain extremely precise tolerance limits.